Kubernetes - Replicate Secrets with Reflector

Table of Contents

This post is part of our ongoing series of posts for Kubernetes. In this post, we will dive into replicating secrets across namespaces using Reflector, a powerful tool for ensuring consistency and security in your Kubernetes environment.

By default, Kubernetes secrets are scoped to individual namespaces. However, there are common use cases where sensitive information, such as API tokens, database credentials, or container registry credentials, needs to be shared across multiple namespaces. Manually managing these secrets can be error-prone and time-consuming.

Reflector addresses this challenge by automating the replication of secrets to specified namespaces, ensuring consistency and reducing administrative overhead. Let’s dive into how to set up and use Reflector effectively.

1. Setup Reflector

Let’s configure Reflector by creating cluster/default/reflector.yaml. This declarative configuration establishes:

  • The Emberstack Helm Repository reference
  • The Reflector Helm Release with appropriate configuration
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1
kind: HelmRepository
  name: emberstack
  namespace: default
  interval: 10m
  url: https://emberstack.github.io/helm-charts
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2
kind: HelmRelease
  name: reflector
  namespace: default
  releaseName: reflector
  interval: 10m
      chart: reflector
      version: "9.0.318"
      interval: 10m
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: emberstack
        namespace: default

After applying this configuration, verify that the Reflector pod is up and running:

apurv@oxygen:~> kubectl get pods

NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
reflector-dcc5cf554-8s8zf     1/1     Running   0             9m30s

As shown above, Reflector has been successfully deployed.

2. Validate Setup

To demonstrate Reflector’s capabilities, we’ll replicate a GitHub Container Registry secret across all namespaces. First, let’s recreate the secret defined in cluster/default/github-registry-secret.yaml ( overriding secret defined in Kubernetes GitOps with FluxCD - Part 3 - Automated Image Updates post ).

kubectl create secret docker-registry github-registry-secret \
  --docker-server=ghcr.io \
  --docker-username=** \
  --docker-password=** \
  --namespace=default \
  --dry-run=client -o yaml > github-registry-secret.yaml

Next, add the necessary Reflector annotations to enable automatic replication:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: github-registry-secret
  namespace: default
+   reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-allowed: "true"
+   reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-auto-enabled: "true"
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
  .dockerconfigjson: ***

The annotation reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-auto-enabled: "true" ensures the secret is replicated to all namespaces. Alternatively, reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-allowed-namespaces: "ns-x,ns-y" can be used to restrict replication to specific namespaces.

Once the secret is configured, encrypt it using SOPS and apply the changes.

For detailed instructions on secret management, refer to Kubernetes GitOps with FluxCD - Part 2 - Secret Management using SOPS.

Let’s verify that the secret has been replicated across all namespaces:

kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces --field-selector metadata.name=github-registry-secret

NAMESPACE         NAME                     TYPE                             DATA   AGE
cert-manager      github-registry-secret   kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson   1      2m4s
default           github-registry-secret   kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson   1      7d
flux-system       github-registry-secret   kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson   1      2m3s
kube-node-lease   github-registry-secret   kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson   1      2m3s
kube-public       github-registry-secret   kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson   1      2m3s
kube-system       github-registry-secret   kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson   1      2m3s
monitoring        github-registry-secret   kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson   1      2m3s

The secret has been successfully replicated across all namespaces using Reflector.
